James I (Donor)
Duncan Campbell, Lord of Lochawe (Donor)
Colin Campbell (Recipient)
John Forestar (Witness)
Walter Stewart (Witness)
William Foulis (Witness)
Walter de Ogilvy (Witness)
Richard Crag (Witness)
Recto: Latin handwritten on parchment in dark brown ink
Verso: English handwritten in brown ink in a seventeenth-century hand
Charter is rectangular with a lengthwise fold (turnup) at the bottom. Parchment is in good condition with a few brown stains and blemishes on the front and back.
Fragment of the brown wax seal of James I is appended to the charter through a slit in the turnup.
1. Jacobus dei gracia rex Scotorum omnibus probis hominbus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciatis nos quamdam cartam dilecti et fidelis nostri Duncani
2. Cambel de Lochaw factam et concessam Colino Cambel iuveni filio suo de omnibus et singulis terris proprietatis de glenurchay cum insulis prefatis terris annexis que
3. vulgariter dicuntur Elanewyr Elanduffeir Elankylequhurne et Elanloch tellas ac de omnibus et singulas terris suis infrascriptis videlicet de quatuor denariatis terre de
4. Achyknnay cum insula que dicitur Elandorrach de duabus denariatis terre de Kelleag de quinque denariatis terre de Fernach de quinque denariatis terre de da Innurynyn de dena (-)
5. riata terre de Cragbamoriam et de duabus marcatis terre de Sonnochan superiori inter rivum qui dicitur Altbane et rivum qui dicitur Altbrekkynnych iacentibus in baronia de
6. Lochaw infra vicecomitatum Ergadie de mandato nostro visam lectam inspectam et diligenter examinatam non rasam non abolitam non ca[n]cellatam nec in aliqua sui parte
7. viciatam sed omni prorsus vicio et suspicione carentem ad plenum intellexisse sub hac forma: Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel audituris Duncanus Cambel dominus
8. de Lochav salutem in domino sempiternam. Noverit universitas vestra nos dedisse concessisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse carissimo filio nostro Colino Cambel iuveni
9. pro ipsius et heredum suorum masculorum homagio servicio et speciali retinencia nobis et heredibus nostris pro perpetuo impendendis omnes et singulas terras proprietatis nostre
10. de Glenurchay cum insulis prefatis terris annexis que vulgariter dicuntur Elanewyr Elanduffeir Elankilequhurn et Elanlochtellas ac omnes et singulas terras nostras in (-)
11. frascriptas videlicet quatuor denariatas terre de Achykynnay cum insula que dicitur Elandorrach duas denariatas terre de Sonnochan superiore inter rivum qui dicitur Altbane et rivum
12. qui dicitur Altbrekynnych iacentes infra baroniam nostram de Lochaw infra vicecomitatum Ergedie tenendas et habendas totas et integras terras prenominatas et insulas cum
13. pertinentiis prefato Colino et heredibus suis masculis de corpore suo legittime procreatis seu procreandis de nobis et heredibus nostris in feodo et hereditate imperpetuum per omnes
14. rectas metas suas antiquas et divisas in boscis planis aquis stagnis silvis pratis pascuis et pasturis molendinis et multuris et corum (sic) sequelis moris marresiis petariis tur (-)
24. apponi sigillum hiis testibus Duncano Cambel fratre nostro magistro Johanne Cambel nepote nostro Reginaldo Malcolmi de Cragginche Reginaldo filio suo Gregorio Johannes
25. Nigello Cristini Macarthour Felano ylarii Waltero Bet secretario nostro et multis aliis apud Junerara vicesimo die mensis die mensis octobris anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo tri (-)
26. cesimo secundo. Quam quidem cartam donationem et concessionem in eadem contentas in omnibus punctis suis et articulis condicionibus et medis ac circumstanciis suis quibus
27. adque forma pariter et effectu in omnibus et per omnia approbamus ratificamus et imperpetuum confirmamus salvis nobis wardis releuiis et maritagiis cum conti[n]gerint ac
28. aliis serviciis de dictis terris debitis et consuetis in cuius rei testimonium presenti carte nostre magnum sigillium nostri apponi praecepimus. Testibus Johanne forestari camerario nostro
29. milite magistro Waltero Stewart decano morauien(?) thesanuario nostro magistro Willelmo foulis praeponito ecclesie collegiate de Bothwule nostri privati sigilli custode Waltero de ogilvy milite et ma (-)
30. gistro Ricardo Crag clerico cancellarie nostre apud Perth quarto die mensis Novembris anno regni nostri vicesimo septimo.
31. Taillefer
1. The King's confirmations of the Lands of Glenurchay and
2. Lochaw to S[i]r Colino Campbell of Glenurchay
3. 4 November 1432
4. Produced for E[arl of] Breadelbane
James, king of the Scots by the grace of God, sends greetings to all good men, clerics and laymen, of the land. Let it be known that we have understood that this charter of our beloved and faithful Duncan Campbell made and granted to his young son Colin Campbell for all and individual lands of the property of Glenurchay, with the aforementioned annexed island lands, which are commonly called Elanewyr, Elanduffeir, Elankylequhurn, Elanloch Tellas, and about all and individual of his lands having been mentioned below; namely, the four pennyland from Achykynnay with the island called Elandorrach, the two pennyland of Kelleag, the five pennyland of Fernach, the five pennyland of Da Innurynyn, the penny land of Cragbamoriam, and the two markland of Upper Sonnochan, between the river which is called Altbane and the river which is called Altbrekkynnych, lying in the barony of Lochaw, within the sheriffdom of Ergadie. Let it be known that we have understood that this charter fully by our mandate has been, read, inspected, and diligently examined, neither scraped, nor abolished, nor cancelled, nor violated in any of its parts, but rather lacking falseness or suspicion in this form. To all who shall see or hear this charter, Duncan Campbell, the lord of Lochaw, sends everlasting greetings in the Lord. Let all know that we have given, conceded, and, by this present charter, confirmed to our dearest young son Colin Campbell, perpetually, of that one and his male heirs, for the homage, service, and special support to be applied to us and our heirs, all and individual lands of our property of Glenurchay, with the aforementioned annexed islands, which are commonly called Elanewyr, Elanduffeir, Elankilequhurn, and Elanlochtellas, and all and individual of our lands mentioned below [...]
Glenurchay (Old Variant)
Glenorchy (Modern)
Elanewyr (Old Variant)
Inche Ewir (Modern)
Elanduffeir (Old Variant)
Elankylequhurn (Old Variant)
Kilchurn (Modern)
Elanloch Tellas (Old Variant)
Eilean An Stalcair, Loch Tulla (Modern)
Achykynnay (Old Variant)
Auchachenna (Modern)
Elandorrach (Old Variant)
Inis Darach (Modern)
Kelleag (Old Variant)
Coillaig (Modern)
Fernach (Old Variant)
Fearnoch (Modern)
Da Innurynyn (Old Variant)
Inverinan (Modern)
Cragbamoriam (Old Variant)
Craignamoraig (Modern)
Upper Sonnochan (Old Variant)
Upper Sonachan (Modern)
Sheriffdom of Ergadie (Old Variant)
Barony of Lochawe (Old Variant)
Argyll and Bute (Modern)