Confirmation of grant by Alexander Menzies to his son Robert Menzies

Dublin Core


Robert Menzies (Recipient)
Alexander Menzies (Donor)
Robert the Steward of Scotland (Witness)
John Randolph, Earl of Moray (Witness)
Patrick Dunbar, Earl of March (Witness)
Sir Andrew Moray, laird of Bothewyle (Witness)
Sir Robert Keith, Marshal of Scotland (Witness)
Sir John de Cambron, laird of Ballgernach (Witness)
Alexander Menzies, laird of Forchirgyll; "and many others" (Witness)


Confirmation of grant by Alexander Menzies to his son Robert Menzies


1332-08-12 x 1338 (medievalist estimate)


16.4 cm x 30.5 cm


XS5 MS A001 Doc No MS 2

Is Part Of

Campbell of Monzie, University of Guelph


Recto: Parchment; handwritten (cursive) in brown ink
Verso: later handwriting
Parchment is rectangular with a lengthwise fold (turnup) at the bottom. Hole in lines 7-11
Seal is missing but a parchment tongue is attached to the charter, looped through a cut in the turnup.
1. Sciant presentes et futuri pro ego alexander de meygneres filius et heres domini roberti de meygneres dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea
2. confirmaui domino Roberto de meygneres filio meo et heredibus suis pro homagio et servicio suo domino meo superiori comiti athohollie et heredibus suis faciendo totam
3. terram meam del Weme et de allirfeallibeg in athollia videlicet duas davatas et dimid davatas del Weme et dimid davatas de allirfeallibeg cum
4. omnibus suis pertinentiis libertatibus et aysiamentis ad dictas terras spectantibus uel de iure spectare valentibus in bosco plano moris marisiis pratis
5. pascuis pasturis stagnis vinariis molendinis multuris aquis rivulis saxis viis semitis auibus feris piscariis et in omnibus aliis
6. commoditatibus et aysiamentis ad easdem terras pertinentibus uel aliquo modo pertinere valentibus sine aliquo retenemento Tenendum et habendum eidem domino
7. roberto filio meo et heredibus suis de domino m[eo] superiore comite Atholhe et heredibus suis in feodo et hereditate adeo libere quiete integre plenarie
8. honorifice bene et in pace sicut carta [m]ei domini lohannis quondam comitis athollie mihi inde confecta plenius in se proportat et testatur Red (-)
9. dendo inde annuatim domino comite Atholl[ie et here]dibus suis unum denarium sterlingorum ad pentecoste et faciendo forinsecum servicium domini Regis
10. quantum ad tantam terram pertinet et tres [sectas] curie domini comitis athollie et heredum suorum ad tria placita capitalia per annum apud Rath in Athollis
ll . pro dictis ambabis terris del Weme et de [Allirfe]allibeg pro omnni alio seruicio exactione et demanda Ego vero allexander prefatus et heredes
12. mei predicto domino roberto filio meo et heredibus suis totam dictam terram del Weme et de Allirfeallibeg cum onmibus suis pertinentiis libertatibus et aysia (-)
13. mentis ut predictum est contra omnes homines et feminas Warrantizabimus acquietabimus et in perpetuum defendemus in cuius Rei
14. testimonium presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus roberto senescallo scocie dominus iohanne rannulph
15. moravie patricio de donbarr comite marchie andrea de moravia domino de bothevyle roberto de keth marrescallo scocie iohanne
16. *de cambron domino* de ballgernach militibus allexandro de meygneres nepote meo domino de forchirgyll et multis aliis--
1. Carta Terrarum de Versu
2. In favorum
3. Domini Roberti Meygires
4. 141
Let all present and future know that I, Alexander Menzies, the son and heir of laird Robert Menzies gave, conceded and by this my present charter I confirmed to my son laird Robert Menzies and his heirs, for his homage and service to be made to my superior lord, the Earl of Atholl and his heirs, the whole of my land of Weem and of Aberfeldy in Atholl, namely two and half davachs in Weem and a half davach in Aberfeldy with all their pertinents, freedoms and easements belonging or coming to belong by right to the said lands in wood, plain, moors, marshes, meadows, hainings, pastures, ponds, fish ponds, mills, multures, waters, stones, rivers, ways, paths, birds, wild animals, fish and in all other benefits and easments belonging or coming to belong to the same lands without any reservation. To be held and possessed for the same laird my son Robert and his heirs from my superior lord the Earl of Atholl and his heirs in fee and inheritance indeed freely, quietly, undivided, fully, honorably well and in peace just as the charter of my lord John, the deceased Earl of Atholl, made for me then among more fully proports in it and attests. From the lands to render yearly to the lord Earl of Atholl and his heirs one silver penny at Pentecost and to make forinsec service of the lord King as much as pertains to the lands and three suits of court of the lord Earl of Atholl and his heirs at three head courts each year at Logierat in Atholl for both the said lands of Weem and Aberfeldy for any other service, tax and demand. Indeed I, the aforementioned Alexander and my heirs will warrant and settle title to all said land of Weem and Aberfeldy for my aforementioned son Robert, and his heirs and we will defend them in perpetuity against all men and women. In witness of this deed, I have affixed my seal to my charter. With these witness, Robert the Steward of Scotland; John Randolph, Earl of Moray; Patrick Dunbar, Earl of March; Sir Andrew Moray, laird of Bothewyle; Sir Robert Keith, Marshal of Scotland; Sir John de Cambron, laird of Ballgernach; my kinsman, Alexander Menzies, laird of Forchirgyll and many others.


Weem (Modern)
Weme (Old Variant)
Aberfeldy (Modern)
Abbirfeallibeg (Old Variant)
Perth & Kinross County (Modern)
Perthshire (Old Variant)


Confirmation; Original




Complete charter_recto + verso.pdf


Robert Menzies (Recipient) et al., “Confirmation of grant by Alexander Menzies to his son Robert Menzies,” Scottish Charters, accessed February 23, 2025,
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