Grant by David de Strabolgie to Robert Menzies

Dublin Core


Robert Menzies (Recipient)
David de Strabolgie (Donor)
Robert the Steward of Scotland (Witness)
Lord John Randolph, Earl of Moray (Witness)
Patrick Dunbar, Early of March (Witness)
Sir Andrew Moray, laird of Bothewyle (Witness)
Sir Patrick de Carnot (Witness)
Thomas de Wollor "and many others" (Witnesses)


Grant by David de Strabolgie to Robert Menzies


1332-08-12 to 1335-11-30 (medievalist estimate)


14.7 cm x 26 cm


XS5 MS A001 Doc No MS-1

Is Part Of

Campbell of Monzie, University of Guelph


Recto: parchment; handwritten (book) in brown ink
Verso: endorsement: in later hand
Parchment is rectangular with a lengthwise fold (turnup) at the bottom. Red stains of unknown provenance on lines 10-13 & 17; visible on verso

Seal is missing but a parchment tongue is attached to the charter, looped through a cut in the turnup.
1. Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel audituris David de strabolgy come athollie et constabularius Scocie. Salutem
2. in domino Noveritis nos dedisse concessisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse dilecto et fideli confiderato nostro domino Roberto
3. de meygneres militi filio domini allexandri de meygneres pro homagio et servicio suo totum thanagium nostrum de cranach
4. in comitatu nostro Athollie cum omnibus terris de cranach achmore kynknock duabus Rothrolges et achnethrosck una cum omnibus aliis
5. pertinenciis suis libertatibus et aysiamentis inter et extra tam non nominatis quam nominatis ad ipsum thanagium et terras predictas pertinentibus seu
6. aliquo modo pertinere valentibus in bosco plano moris marisiis pratis pascuis pasturis stagnis vinariis lacubiis molendinis mult (-)
7. uris uiis semitis aquis rivulis saxis venationibus aucupacionibus piscariis et cum omnibus aliis et singulis commoditatibus libertatibus et
8. aysiamentis tam non nominatis quam nominatis ad predictum thanagium et terras prenominatas pertinentibus seu aliquo iure vel t[i]tulo pertinere valentibus
9. Tenendum et habendum eidem domino Roberto et heredibus suis de corpore suo legitime procreatis de nobis et heredibus nostris per omnes rectas metas et
10. diuisas suas in bondis et bondagiis et cum omnibus [..}atinis ipsarum terrarum libere quiete plenarie honorifice bene et in pace in feodo et here (-)
11. ditate in perpetuum faciendo inde nobis et heredibus nostris servicium unius architenentis in exercitum domini nostri Regis scocie et tres sectas cur
12. ie ad tria placita nostra capitalia per annum apud Rath in comitatu nostro athollie pro omni alio onere seruicio consuetudine exactione seculari
13. seu dananda q[ue] de dicto thanagio et terris predictis per nos seu heredes nostros exigi poterunt uel r[e]quiri in futurum Nos vero deinde et heredes
14. nostri totum thanagium predictum de cranach cum omnibus terris de cranach achmore kynknock duabus Rothrolges et achnethrosck cum
15. omnibus pertinenciis suis ut plenarius supradictum est predicto domino Roberto et heredibus suis predictis contra omnes homines et feminas. Warran(-)
16. tizabimus acquietabimus et in perpetuum defendemus. In cuius Rei testimonium presenti carte nostre sigillum nostrum apposuimus. Hiis testibus
17. *Roberto senescallo scocie domino Iohanne* Ranulphi comiti moravie patricio de donbarus comite marchie. Andrea de moravia domino de
18. *betheuyl patricio de carnoco militibus symone de sawelton tunc camerario nostro Thoma* de Wollor et multis aliis

1. Carta Thenagii de Cranach
2. C In favorum
3. Domini Roberto Meygnes Mi ( - )
4. litis--
5. 151
To all those about to see or hear this charter, David de Strathbogie, the Earl of Atholl and Constable of Scotland gives greeting in the Lord. May you know that we have given, conceded and by this present charter we have confirmed to our beloved and faithful confederate laird Sir Robert Menzies, the son of laird Alexander Menzies on account of his homage and service, all our thanage of Cranach in the Earldom of Atholl with all the lands of Cranachcroich, Achmore, Kinknock, the two Rothrolges and Achnethrosck along with all pertinents, freedoms and easements within and without, both named and unnamed pertaining or in some way being able to pertain to that thanage and the aforementioned lands, in wood, plain, moors, marshes, meadows, hainings , pastures, ponds, fish ponds, lakes, mills, multures, roads, paths, waters, rivers, rocks, hunting, hawking, fishing and with each and all other benefits, freedoms, and easements both unnamed and named pertaining or by some right or title being able to pertain to the aforementioned thanage and aforementioned lands. For that same laird Robert and his legitimate heirs of his body born from the same to have and to hold and from our heirs in all rights, boundaries, and its divisions in lands in bond and tenements in bondage. and with all "holdings" of those lands quietly, undivided, honorably well and in peace and fee and to be made in perpetuity thence to us and our heirs for the service of one archer in the army of our lord King of Scotland and three suits of court each year at Logierat at our will in our Earldom of Atholl for any other service, custom, secular tax in giving which of the said thanage and aforementioned lands for us or our heirs are able to claim or require in the future. Indeed, we and our heirs will warrant, settle title and defend them forever against all men and women, the whole aforementioned thanage with all the lands of Cranachcroich, Achmore, Kinknock, the two Rothrolges and Achnethrosck with all their pertinents as it has been said more fully above. In witness of which deed, we have placed our seal on the present charter. As witnesses, Robert the steward of Scotland; Lord John Randolph, Earl of Moray; Patrick Dunbar, Earl of March; Sir Andrew Moray, laird of Bothewyle; Sir Patrick de Carnot; then our chamberlain, Thomas de Wallor and many others.


Cranachcroich (Modern)
Craienacroich (Old Variant)
Achmore (Old Variant & Modern)
Kinknock (Modern)
Kynknoc (Old Varian)
Two Rothrolges (Old Variant)
Achnethrosck (Old Variant)






Complete charter_recto + verso.pdf


Robert Menzies (Recipient) et al., “Grant by David de Strabolgie to Robert Menzies,” Scottish Charters, accessed February 23, 2025,
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