Resignation of lands by David Menzies and regrant by King James I to John Menzies

Dublin Core


James I (Donor)
David Menzies (Donor)
John Menzies (Recipient)
John, Bishop of Glasgow (Witness)
John Forstare (Witness)
Walter de Ogilvy (Witness)
Master William Foulie (Witness)


Resignation of lands by David Menzies and regrant by King James I to John Menzies




32.2 cm x 18.1 cm


XS5 MS A001 MS-3

Is Part Of

Campbell of Monzie Papers, University of Guelph


Recto: Latin handwritten on parchment in black ink
Verso: English handwritten in a later style in black ink

Parchment is rectangular with a lengthwise fold (turnup) at the bottom. A few light brown stains on back and front.

Seal is missing but a parchment tongue is attached to the charter, looped through a cut in the turnup.

1. Iacobus dei gracia rex Scotorum Omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue Clericis et laicis Salutem Sciatis nos dedisse concessisse et hac presenti
2. carta nostra confirmasse Iohanni meigners filio dilecti et fidelis nostri Dauid meigners militis omnes et singulas terras de Eddirdamoky
3. et de morynche iacentes in dessawer et officium tochachderety nostri de kyrctollony ac etiam terras de fornachy et goulentyne iacentes in le (-)
4. abthen de Dul et terras de achilly iacentes infra vicecomitatum de perth Que quidem terre et officium cum pertinenciis fuerunt dicti david
5. meigners hereditarie et quas idem david non ui aut metu ductus nec errore lapsus sed sua mera et spontanea uoluntate in manus nostras
6. coram testibus subscriptis personaliter sursum reddidit pureque simpliciter resignauit ac totum ius et clameum quem dictis terris et officio
7. cum pertinenciis habuit seu habere potuit pro se et heredibus suis omnino quitum clamauit imperpetuum Tenendas et habendas dictas terras et of (-)
8. ficium cum pertinenciis predicto Iohanni et heredibus suis masculis de corpore suo legitime procreatis seu procreandis Quibus forte def[icie]ntibus
9. [suis] david et heredibus suis masculis de corpore suo legitime procreatis seu procreandis de nobis et heredibus nostris in feodo et hereditate imperpetuum
10. pe[r omn]es rectas metas suas antiquas et divisas in boscis planis moris marresiis uiis semitis aquis stagnis pratis pascuis et p[asturi]s molen (-)
11. d[inis] [resi]duas et eorum sequelis acupacionibus venacionibus et piscacionibus cum curiis escha[..]is (sic) et curiarum exitibus ac cum omnibus (terris] et sin (-)

12. [gulis] liber[tati]bus comoditatibus et [a]siamentis ac iustis pertinentiis suis quisbuscumque ad dictas terras et officium cum pertinenciis spectantibus seu quoquo mo (-)
13. do de suis spectare valentibus in futurum adeo libere et quiete plenarie integre et honorifice bene et in pace in omnibus et sicut dictus da (-)
14. vid aut predecessores sui dictas terras et officium de nobis et predecessoribus nostris ante dictum resignationem nobis inde factam libe[re tenuit] seu
15. possedit te[n]erunt seu possiderunt faciendo inde nobis dictus Iohannes et heredes sui masculi de corpore suo legitime procreati seu procreandi quibus vero
16. deficentibus heredis masculi dicti david de corpore suo legitime procreati seu procreandi wardam releuium et maritagium cum contigerit ac alia seruicia de dictis
17. terris debitaque consueta Reseruato libero tenemento dictarum terrarum et officii predicto david meigners militi pro toto tempore vite sue [Ac] [rationabili] tercia
18. predictarum terrarum et officii sponse prefati david cum contigerit. In cuius rei testimonium publice carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus
19. Testibus Reverendo in christo Iohanno episcopo Glasguensi cancellario nostro Iohanne forestari camerario nostro Waltero de Ogilby thesaurario nostro
20. militibus et magistro Willemo foulie custode privati sigilli nostri preponito de bothuile apud Edinburgh quarto die mensis septembrie Anno regni nostri
21. vicesimo quinto;

1. Chartor (sic)
2. off the Lands of Moring
3. In favour of John Meigners
4. (14)
5. 1430 ldip 1431

James by the grace of God, King of the Scots to all proven men of his whole earth, to the clergy and laity gives greetings. May you know that we have given, conceded and confirmed by this our present charter to John Menzies the son of our beloved and faithful Sir David Menzies each and every land of Edramuckie and of Morenish lying in Dessawer and the office of Tochachderety of Kyrkctollony and also the lands of Fearnan and Goulentyne lying in the abthen of Dull and the lands of Achilly lying within the sheriffdom of Perth. Indeed these things, the holding and office with the pertinents they were of the said David Menzies’ inheritance and which the same David neither by force nor led by fear nor deceived by error but by his pure and spontaneous will in our hands before the witness signed below, personally returned to the grantor. He renounced purely, and simply resigned all right and claim which he had or was able to hold on account of the said lands and office with their pertinents for himself and his heirs. He wholly quit claimed forever. For the purpose of holding and having the said lands and the office with the pertinents by the said John and the male heirs of his body whether born or about to be born. Which perchance David lacking legitimate male heirs of his body born or about to be born for us and our heirs in fee and inheritance in perpetuity through all its old rights, boundaries and divisions in woods, plains, moors, marshes, ways, paths, waters, ponds, meadows, hainings, pasture, mills, remainders, profits, hawking, hunting rights, fishing rights, with [curris] and of courts, profits and with all lands and liberties, benefits and easements and its just pertinents and whatever things of the said lands and office with pertinents belonging or however coming to belong in the future still freely and quietly, fully, wholly and suitably well and in peace in all things. Just the said david or his predecessors the said lands and office from us and our predecessors before the said resignation to us thence. I will make freely or they possessed the holding they were or will have possessed for making thence to us the said John and his legitimate male heirs of his body born or to be born by whom indeed the lacking male heirs of the said david of his body legitimately born or to be born the ward, relief and marriage when it happens as well as other duties of the said lands and customary debts. The holding having been fully reserved of the said lands and office to the said Sir David Menzies for the whole of his life or a reasonable third of the said lands and office to the wife of the aforementioned David if it happens that he should predecease her. In evidence of which thing we have ordered to apply our great seal to this our public charter.


Edramuckie (Old Variant)
Edramucky (Modern)
Morenish (Old Variant)
Morenish (Modern)
Dessawer (Old Variant)
Fornach (Old Variant)
Fearnan (Modern)
Goulentyne (Old Variant)
Glengoulandie (Modern)
Abthen of Dull (Old Variant)
Dull (Modern)
Achilly (Old Variant)
Parish of Clunie (Modern)
Perth (Old Variant)
Perth (Modern)
Perthshire (Old Variant)
Perth and Kinross (Modern)






Complete charter_recto + verso.pdf


James I (Donor) et al., “Resignation of lands by David Menzies and regrant by King James I to John Menzies,” Scottish Charters, accessed February 23, 2025,
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