Precept of Sasine from Duncan Campbell of Lochawe to Colin Campbell

Dublin Core


Duncan Campbell, Lord of Lochawe (Donor)
Dugald Campbell
Colin Campbell (Recipient)


Precept of Sasine from Duncan Campbell of Lochawe to Colin Campbell




23.5 cm x 9 cm


XS5 MS A001 MS-4

Is Part Of

Campbell of Monzie Papers, University of Guelph


Recto: Latin handwritten on parchment in black ink
Verso: Latin handwritten on parchment in black ink in a later style

Parchment is rectangular with a lengthwise fold (turnup) at the bottom. Several light brown stains on front and back. Two small holes located above the text in the upper corners of the document.

Seal is missing but a parchment tongue is attached to the charter through a slit in the turnup and is also adhered to the front.

1. n Duncanus cambell dominus de lochaw dilecto fratri nostro Dugalbo cambell ballivo nostro omnium terrarum nostrarum de
2. de glenurchay et de lochaw cum pertinentiis hac uice deputato Salutem Quia concessimus hereditarie et dedimus
3. carissimo filio nostro colino cambell iuueni omnes terras proprietatis nostre de glenurchay cum pertinentiis et terras
4. nostras infra scriptas uidelicet quattuor denariatas terre de achykynnay cum insula de Elandoriach duas denariatas terre
5. de Kelleag quinque denariatas terre de fernach quinque denariate terre de da inuerynyum denariatas terre de crag (-)
6. bamoryium duas denariatas terre de Sonnocham superiore iacentes in baronia nostra de lochaw infra vicecomitatum
7. Ergadie uobis precipimus et mandamus quatenus uisis presentibus indilate statum et saisinam hereditariam per tradicionem
8. terre et lapide ut moris est prefato colino filio nostro iuxta tenorem litterarum nostrarum sibi exinde confectarum do (-)
9. netis et cum effectu haberi faciatis Ad quod cum effectu faciendum uobis tenore presentium nostram committimus ple (-)
10. nariam potestatem In cuius rei testimonium presentibus post huius saisine donationem nostre ualiture sigillum nostrum
11. est appensum apud carrig Egynachan vicesimo die mensis de [ce]mbris anno domini millesimo quadrin (-)
12. gentesimo tricesimo secundo ((((((((((((((((((

1. Precipi saisine colini cambell
2. de glenurqhay et lochaw
3. [ ] rum
4. Anno domini quadrigintesimo
5. tricesimo secundo
6. 20 Dec2 1432.
7. 21

Lord Duncan Campbell of Lochawe sends greetings to our beloved brother Dugald, our bailiff of all our lands of Glenorchy and Lochawe with their pertinents to the sheriff. Since we have conceded and given to our dearest son Colin Campbell, a youth, all the lands of our property of Glenorchy with the pertinents and our lands written below: to wit, four pennylands of the land of Achykynnay with the isle of Elandoriach, two pennylands of the land of Kelleag, five pennylands of the land Fernoch, five pennylands of land from the two Inverynyums, a pennyland of land from Cragbamoryium, two pennylands of land from Upper Sonnocham lying in our barony of Lochawe within the sheriffdom of Ergadie. We instruct and order you, once the present letters have been seen, without delay, to make an inheritable state and sasine by the delivery of earth and stone as is the custom, to our aforementioned son Colin according to the tenor of the letter to him. In order to accomplish that effectively, we grant to you by the tenor of the present letters our full power. In witness of which deed, our seal has been affixed to the present letters, to be valid after the donation of this our sasine at castle Egynachan on the twentieth day of the month of December in the year of our Lord, 1432.


Glenurchay (Old Variant)
Glenorchy (Modern)
Athykymay (Old Variant)
Auchachenna (Modern)
Isle of Elandoriach (Old Variant)
Inis Darach (Modern)
Kelleag (Old Variant)
Coillaig (Modern)
Fernoch (Old Variant)
Fearnoch (Modern)
Da Inuerynyum (Old Variant)
Inverinan (Modern)
Cragbamoryium (Old Variant)
Craignamoraig (Modern)
Upper Sonnocham (Old Variant)
Upper Sonachan (Modern)
Sheriffdom of Ergadie (Old Variant)
Barony of Lochawe (Old Variant)
Argyll and Bute (Modern)
Carrig Egynachan (Old Variant)
Creag Evanachan (Modern)


Precept of Sasine



Is Referenced By

Published in the Highland Papers, vol. IV, no. 201 (1914-1934). Edinburgh: Scottish History Society.


Complete charter_recto + verso.pdf


Duncan Campbell, Lord of Lochawe (Donor), Dugald Campbell, and Colin Campbell (Recipient), “Precept of Sasine from Duncan Campbell of Lochawe to Colin Campbell,” Scottish Charters, accessed February 23, 2025,
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