Royal charter from King James II of Scotland to John Menzies

Dublin Core


John Menzies (Recipient)
James II, King of Scotland (Donor)
William Lord Crechtoun [Crichton], chancellor (Witness)
Alexander of Livintsone (Witness)
John [surname missing], knight (Witness)
William of Crocistoun, knight (Witness)
Richard Crag, vicar of Dundee (Witness)


Royal charter from King James II of Scotland to John Menzies




32.4 cm. x 16.6 cm


XS5 MS 001 Doc 15-4

Is Part Of

Campbell of Monzie Papers


Recto: Latin on parchment on flesh side in dark brown ink
Verso: English seventeenth century hand
Parchment is rectangular with a lengthwise fold (turnup) at the bottom. Faded patch through lines 11-20 centred on damaged area. additional tears and holes across the front. Backing has been placed on sections of verso to address tears
Seal is missing but parchment tongue with end encased in linen is attached to the charter through a slit in the turnup.
Document has paper wrapping with later handwriting.

1. Jacobus dei gracia Rex Scotorum omnibus probis hominib[us] tocius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Scia[tis] nos dedisse concessisse
2. et hac presenti carte [n]ostra confumasse dilecto et fideli nostro Johanni Menzeis filio et heredi dilecti et fidelis nostri David Menzeis mi-
3. litis et mona[chi] monasterii de Melros [o]mnes et singulas terras baronnie de Rawar cum pertinentiis terras de le Weym terras de
4. Abirfallabeg terras de Cumrey terras de thanagia de Crennych cum pertinentiis infra vicecomitatum de Perth et
5. comitatum Atholie. Que quidem terre cum pertinentiis fuerunt dicti David Menzeis hereditarie. Et quas idem David non vi aut
6. metu ductus nee errore lapsus sed mera et spontanea voluntate sua in manus nostras per fustem et baculum cum consensu et assen-
7. su abbatis sui et conventus apud Edinburgh personaliter sursum redd[i]dit pureque simpliciter resignauit ac totum ius et cetera
8. meum sue in dictis terris cum per[t]inentiis habuit seu habere potuit pro se et heredibus suis omnino quittum clamavit impwe-
9. tum tenendas habendas omnes et singulas prenoffiinatas terras baronie de Rawar cum pertinenciis terras de le Weym terras de
10. Abirfa[llab]eg terras de Cumrey et terras de thangia de Crennych cum pertinenciis prefato Johanni et heredibus suis de nobis
11. hered[i]bus nostris in feodo et hereditate imperpetuum per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et divisas cum omnibus et singulis liber-
12. tatibus commoditatibus et asiamentis ac iustis pertinentiis suis quibuscumque ad predictas terras cum pertinentiis spectantibus seu iuste
13. spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum adeo libere et quiete plenarie integre et honorifice bene et in pace in omnibus et per omnia
14. Sicut dictus David aut aliquis predecessorum suorum pronominatas terras cum pertinentiis de nobis aut predecessoribus nostris ante dictam re-
15. signationem nobis inde factam liberius tenuit seu possedit faciendo inde nobis et heredibus nostris dictus Johannes et heredes sui
16. servicia debita et consueta Reservato tamen libero tenemento dictarum terrarum cum pertinenciis predicto David pro toto tempore
17. sue vite fu cuius rei testimonium presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus T[es]tibus dilecto corrsanguineo
18. nostro Waltero Reg Crechtoun cancelario nostro A[le]xandro de Levingstoun de Calentare Johanne de Willelmo de
19. Crocistoun militib[us] .... Ricardo Crag vicar de <d>onde clerico nostri apud Edinburgh vicesim[o] primo die Jan[uar]ii anno
20. domini millesimo qu[adra]gentesimo quadragesimo [re]gni nostro quarto.


1. Charter
2. Sr John (David crossed out underneath) Menzeis of ............ands......
3. the barronie of Rawar
4. Menzies ................
5. 1440

James, king of the Scots by the grace of God, sends greetings to all good men, clerics and laymen, of his land. Let it be known that we gave, conceded, and confirmed, in this our present charter, to our beloved and faithful John Menzies, the son and heir of our beloved David Menzeis, knight and monk of the monastery of Melrose, all and individual lands of the barony of Rawar with pertinents, the lands of Weem, the lands of Aberfeldy, the lands of Cumrie, the lands of the thanage of Crennych with pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of Perth and the county of Athol; and that these lands with pertinents were of the inheritance of said David Menzeis and which this same David neither by force, nor brought by fear, nor slipped into error, but by his pure and spontaneous will, surrendered purely and simply, resigned into our hands personally , according to the staff and baton, with the consent and assent of his abbot and convent at Edinburgh. And for himself and his heirs he renounced all right and claim which he had or could have on the said lands with pertinents in perpetuity. To have and to hold all and individual aforenamed lands of the barony of Rawar with pertinents, the lands of Weem, the lands of Aberfeldy, the lands of Cumrie, the lands of the thanage of Crannyk with pertinents, to the aforementioned John and his heirs, from us and our heirs, in fee and permanent heritage, according to all rights, his ancient boundaries, lands and devises, with all and individual liberties, commodities, and easements, and his just pertinents, whatsoever, for said lands with pertinents, belonging or justly to belong to said lands in the future, freely and quietly, fully, wholly, and honorably, well and in peace in all and for all. Just as said David, or anyone of his predecessors, held and possessed the aforementioned land with pertinents from us and our predecessors before said resignation, having been made freely, to us. Making, thereafter, David and John and their heirs, owed and accustomed service to us and our heirs. Reserving, nevertheless, liferent of said lands with pertinents to the aforementioned David, for the whole time of his life. In witness of this, we ordered that our great seal be placed on our present charter. Witnesses: Our beloved, relative, William, Lord Crichton, our chancellor, Alexander of Livingston, John of . . . , William of Croston, knights, Richard Crag, vicar of Dundee, our cleric, at Edinburgh on the 21st day of January, the year of our lord, 1440, the fourth year of our reign.


Rawar (Old Variant & Modern)
Weem (Modern)
Weym (Old Variant)
Aberfeldy (Modern)
Abirfallabeg (Old Variant)
Cumrie (Modern)
Cumrey (Old Variant)
Thanage of Crennych
Crannyk (V)
Atholl (Old Variant & Modern)
County Perth & Kinross (Modern)
Perthshire (Old Variant)


Royal Land Charter




Complete charter_recto + verso.pdf


John Menzies (Recipient) et al., “Royal charter from King James II of Scotland to John Menzies,” Scottish Charters, accessed February 23, 2025,
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