Precept of Sasine in name of Dugald Campbell of 'Achym' issued at the command of Lord Duncan Campbell to Colin Campbell

Dublin Core


Duncan Campbell, Lord of Lochawe (Donor)
Dugald Campbell of Achym
Colin Campbell (Recipient)
Malcolm McCorquidale (Witness)
John McCorquidale (Witness)
Gregory McCorquidale (Witness)
John McCorquidale (Witness)
Reginald McCorquidale (Witness)
Eugene McCorquidale (Witness)
Master Eugene, rector of Dysart (Witness)
John Crom McKane (Witness)
Young Douglas (possibly son of Campbell of Achym) (Witness)


Precept of Sasine in name of Dugald Campbell of 'Achym' issued at the command of Lord Duncan Campbell to Colin Campbell




Document: 22.8 cm x 7.9 cm
Seal: 2.7 cm x 2.5 cm


XS5 MS 001 Doc 15-3

Is Part Of

Campbell of Monzie Papers, University of Guelph


Recto: Latin on parchment in brown ink
Verso: English and Latin in a seventeenth-century hand

Parchment is slim and rectangular with few blemishes and little discolouration. Two small holes above the text in the upper corners of the document.

Seal is small, red, and waxen with chipped edges, attached to a tail cut into the document. Visible heraldry on the obverse (front) features a shield bearing a gyronny of eight (eight triangles, or gyrons, arrayed around a central point). Most of the legend is illegible.

1. Universis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint Dugallus Cambell de Achym Balliuus ad infrascripta deputatus salutem. Sciatis
2. quod iuxta mandatum domini mei Duncani Cambell domini de Lochaw mihi per suas patentes directo secundo die mensis Januarii anno
3. domini m cccc xxxiii in presencia plurium fidedignorum videlicet Malcolmi Johannis Gregorii Johannis Reginaldi Eugenii Mccorquydill domini Eugenii
4. rectoris de Dysart et diversorum aliorum contuli personaliter et donavi Colino Cambell filio prefati domini mei de Lochaw statum et saisinam
5. hereditariam omnium terrarum de Glenurchay cum pertinenciis que fuerunt dicti domini de Lochaw in proprietate apud Ardtetyllpollach per tradicionem
6. terre et lapidis iuxta tenorem sue carte ut moris est. Et ego praefatus Dugallus de mandato quo supra donavi saisinam hereditariam prefato
7. Colino omnium terrarum subscriptarum videlicet Achykynnay Kelleag Fernach da Junerynyn Cragbamoryam Sonnochan superiori et de Elan dorrach
8. apud achykynnay quinto die dicti mensis Januarii anno superdicto in presencia plurium fidedignorum videlicet Johannis Reginaldi Eugenii Mccor (-)
9. quydill Johannis Crom Mckane Celestini Duncani Cambell Dugalli Juvnenis et aliorum plurium per tradicionem terre et lapidis iuxta te (-)
10. norem sue carte ut moris est. Et hec omnibus quorum interest vel interesse poterit innotesco presencium per tenorem. In cuius rei testimonium si (-)
11. gillum meum presentibus est appensum. Apud achykynnay dicto quinto die mensis Januarii anno quo supra presentibus testibus superius anno (-)
12. tatis et multis aliis rogatis et requisitis in fidem et testimonium omnium praemissorum

1. The sasine of the xxiii
2. mark land of Lochaw Glenurchay
3. to Sr Colin Campbell first
4. Laird of Glenurchay
5. Anno domini millesimo quadragentesimo
6. trigesimo tertio
7. 15 January
8. 1433

To all to whom the present letters will come before, Dugald Campbell of Achym, having been made bailiff for the instructions below, sends greetings. Let all know that according to the mandate of my lord Duncan Campbell, lord of Lochaw, directed to me through his letters patent, on the 2nd day of the month of January, in the year of our Lord 1433, in the presence of many worthy people, namely, Malcolm, John, Gregory, John, Reginald, and Eugene McCorquidale, lord Eugene, rector of Dysart and many different others gathered, I personally conferred and gave to Colin Campbell, son of my aforementioned lord of Lochaw, heritable state and sasine of all the lands of Glenurchay with pertinents, which were in the property of said lord of Lochaw at Ardtetyllpollach, according to the tradition of earth and stone, according to the tenor of his charter, as is the custom; and I, the aforementioned Dugald, according to the above mandate, gave heritable sasine, to the aforementioned Colin, all of the lands recorded below; namely, Achykynnay, Kelleag, Fernach, Da Iunerynyn, Cragbamoryam, Upper Sonnochan and Elan Dorrach at Achykynnay, on the 5th day of said month of January, in the abovementioned year [...]


Glenurchay (Old Variant)
Glenorchy (Modern)
Ardtetyllpollach (Old Variant)
Ardteatle (Modern)
Achykynnay (Old Variant)
Auchachenna (Modern)
Kelleag (Old Variant)
Coillaig (Modern)
Fernach (Old Variant)
Fearnoch (Modern)
Da Iunerynyn (Old Variant)
Inverinan (Modern)
Cragbamoryam (Old Variant)
Craignamoraig (Modern)
Upper Sonnocham (Old Variant)
Upper Sonachan (Modern)
Elan Dorrach at Achykynnay (Old Variant)
Inis Darach (Modern)


Precept of Sasine




Complete charter_recto + verson.pdf


Duncan Campbell, Lord of Lochawe (Donor) et al., “Precept of Sasine in name of Dugald Campbell of 'Achym' issued at the command of Lord Duncan Campbell to Colin Campbell,” Scottish Charters, accessed March 14, 2025,
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