Bond of Manrent between Alexander Menzies of Rannoch and John Campbell

Dublin Core


Alexander Menzies of Rannoch
John Campbell
James Campbell of Lawars (Witness)
Arhicbald Campbell (Witness)
George Limmisdane [Lumsden] (Witness)
John Limmisdane [Lumsden] (Witness)
William Ramsay (Notary Public)


Bond of Manrent between Alexander Menzies of Rannoch and John Campbell


1536-04 (day left blank in document)


23.6 cm x 22.8 cm


XS5 MS A001 Doc No D-2

Is Part Of

Campbell of Monzie, University of Guelph


Recto: Middle Scots with notarial comment in Latin at bottom
Verso: In 17th c. hand
Parchment is rectangular with a lengthwise fold (turnup) at the bottom.
Seal of red wax partially intact on parchment tongue attached to the charter, looped through a cut in the turnup.
1. At Perth. the day of the month of Aprile in the yeir of god Im vc thretty and six
2. quedie honorable master Alexander Menzeis of the Rannoch sone and apperand air to Robert menzeis
3. of the Weme knyght on that ane part and Iohne campbell broddir germane to Iames campbell of lavaris
4. on that vthir part hes bundin and oblist thame till vtheris for thair liftymes as eft followes That
5. Is to say the said Iohne for manrent and the said Alexande for manteniance that athir of thame
6. sall tak vtheris afald part at all tyme baith in pece and Weir in all honest & lebesum (sic) actionis cau[-]
7. sis and querelis agains all deidlie that levis (sic) or demay (sic) Exceptin our souerane lord the
8. king And in speciale for the defense keping iosing & bruking of all and saill the Landis of
9. the Rannoch wooddis and forestis of the samyn And athir of thame sall be traist & trew to vtheris
10. at all tyme and supple and defend vtheris baith with thair bodeis landis gudis platis stedingis
11. And sall gif vtheris the best counsall thai can And richtsua that tha sall deput ane conuenient
12. man chosin with baith thair avis to the keping of the haill wooddis & forestis of the Rannoch
13. quhilk the said Alexander hes of the kingis grace in few & heretage And this kepar to ansuer thame
14. of all and sundry proffitis of the saidis wooddis and forestis Quhilkis proffitis the said Alexander
15. and Iohne sall equalie diuide betinx thame And gif this kepar plesis thame nocht
16. tha sall remove the samyn and put in ane vthir in his sted chosin be baith thair avise als
17. oft as tha think expedient And atour that the Ile and loch within the landis of the Rannoch
18. that the said Iohne hes in liferent of the said Alexander salbe reddy at all tyme to thame baith ma[-]
19. kand the expensis equaly betinx thame for the keping of the said Ile And for the asald
20. fulfilling obisyng and keping of all and sundry poyntis aboue within Baith the saidis Alexander
21. and Iohne hes bundin and oblist thame till vtheris for thair liftymes be the faith and
22. treuth in thair bodeis in the sekirait forme of obligacioun that can be deuisit undir the
23. paine of inhabilite priur and infame without ony reuocacioun And quhilk of thame that
24. broke this present band or ony poynt thairof sall pay to the tothir that kepis the samyn
25. the Sowm of tua hundreth merkis vsuale money of Scotland all togidder apon A day
26. for damage and scathis that hapins tobe sustenit therthrow And hereupone for mare corrobo[-]
27. racioun tha deponit thair bodelie athis the haly euangellis tuichit In Witnes heirof
28. becaus thai had with na propir selis of thair awne present tha haue pertinat (sic) with instant (sic)
29. before ane notar & witnes the Seill of Schir Wilyame ramsay notar public tobe
30. appensit to baith the partie of this present bandis till haue strenth as thair awne proper
31. Selis And hes subscriuit the samyn with thair handis And for mare corroboracioun
32. hes causit the said notar to subscriue the samyn their day and place foresaid Befoir the witne[sses]
33. Iames campbel of Lawars Archbald campbell his vne & apperand air georg limmis[-]
34. dane Iohne Limmisdane Walter Ramsa notar public
35. Alexander Menzeis of the Rannoch with my awin hand
36. Willelmus ramsay notarius <...>us de mandato
37. dictorum Alexander et Iohanne <.....>
At Perth on the [blank] day of the month of April in the year of God 1536. On that day the honourable master Alexander Menzies of Rannoch, son and apparent heir to Robert Menzies of Weem, Knight, on the one part, and John Campbell legitimate brother of James Campbell of Lawers, on the other part have bound and pledged each other for their lifetimes as follows below. That is to say, the said John has pledged for manrent and the said Alexander for maintenance that each other should always take the other's part both in peace and war in all honorable and lawful actions, causes, and quarrels excepting our sovereign Lord the King and especially for the defense, keeping, using and enjoying of all and sundry of the lands of Rannoch and the woods and forests of the same. And either of them shall be absolute and true to either one at all times and to supply and defend each other with their bodies, lands, goods, plots, and farmhouses along with pertinents. They shall also give each other the best counsel they can. And they shall, with both giving their advice, lawfully choose an appropriate man for the keeping of the entire lands of Rannoch which the said Alexander has of the King's grace in fee and heritage. This keeper is to answer to them regarding all and sundry profits of the said woods and forests which the said Alexander and John shall equally divide between them, and if this keeper does not please them, they shall remove him and put another in his place, with both giving their advice, as often as they deem necessary. Moreover, the isle and loch within the lands of Rannoch that the said John has in liferent of the said Alexander shall be ready at all times to both with both equally incurring the expenses for the keeping of the said isle. And for fulfilling, obeying and keeping of all and sundry points mentioned above, both the said Alexander and John have bound and pledged each other for their lifetime by the faith and certitude in their bodies in the sure form of obligation that can be devised under the pain of prior inability and infamy without any renunciation. Whichever of them should break this present bond or any point thereof shall pay to the other that had kept the promise the sum of 250 marks of the usual money of Scotland all together for damage and losses that should happen to be sustained through it. And thereupon for further corroboration they swore upon the Holy Evangelists. In witness thereof because they had no proper seal of their own with them, they went before a public notary and witnessed the seal of Sir William Ramsay, Public Notary that was placed upon the document until both of the present parties should have their own proper seals. And they have signed the document with their own hand and for further corroboration, they caused the said notary to write on the same the aforesaid day and place. Before these witnesses: James Campbell of Lawars, Archibald Campbell his only and apparent heir, George Limmisdane, John Limmisdane, Walter Ramsay Public Notary.
(signed) Alexander Menzies of Rannoch with my own hand
William Ramsay demanded this of the said Alexander and John.


Kinloch Rannoch, Loch Rannoch and its environs (Modern)
Rannoch (Old Variant)
County Perth & Kinross (Modern)
Perthshire (Old Variant)


Bond of Manrent


Middle Scots
Latin notarial clause


XS5MSA001_Complete charter recto + verso.pdf


Alexander Menzies of Rannoch et al., “Bond of Manrent between Alexander Menzies of Rannoch and John Campbell,” Scottish Charters, accessed February 23, 2025,
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