Copy of Privy Seal letter conferring gift of Ward and Nonentry

Dublin Core


George Earl of Huntly (Recipient)
James VI (Donor)
Robert Sinclair (Notary)


Copy of Privy Seal letter conferring gift of Ward and Nonentry




9.8 cm x 37.1 cm


XS5 MS A001 Doc No D-4

Is Part Of

Campbell of Monzie, University of Guelph


Recto: Handwritten on paper in brown ink
Verso: in various hands
Parchment is rectangular. Additional writing at bottom of page cut off cleanly, only partially visible
1. Ane lettre maid To george erle of huntlie lord gordoun and badrenvch et cetera his airis and assignais ane or ma off
2. the gift of the ward nonentres maillis fermes proffitis and dewiteis of all and haill the landis and barone of menzeis with mylinis
3. fischeingis woodis tennentis and tennandreis of the samine Togidder with all and sundre utheris landis and baroneis mylinis woodis fische[-]
4. ingeis pairtis pendiclis annuelrentis and utheris guhatevir the samin ly within his realme Quhilkis pertanit to vmguhile Iames menzeis of
5. that Ilk Last Immediat heretabill tennent and vassill to our soueryne lord and his predicessores of the samin Of all yeiris
6. and termes bygane that the samin hes bene in our soueryne lord or his predicessores handis be ressoun of Nonentres Throu deceis of the
7. said vmguhile Iames or any his predicessores Immediat heretabill tennentis to our soueryne lord and his predicessores of the samin And
8. siclyke of all yeiris and termes to cum during the tyme of the ward and nonentres thairof foresaid And ay and quhill the lauchfull entrie
9. of the righteous air or airs thairto being of lauchfull aige with the releif thairof quhen it salhappin Togidder with the mariage of Alexander
10. menzeis sone and apperand air to the said vmquhile Iames And Failyeing of him be deceis unmariet The mariage of any uther air
11. or airs maill or famell that salha<p>pin to succeid to the said vmquhile Iames In his Landis and heretages foirsaidis with all proffitis
12. of the said Mariage With Pow<er> et cetera At Striuling the twentie sext<h> day of September The year of god im vc fourescore
13. fyve years·
14. Hec est vera copia abbreuiationis littere prescripte Contentg in libro secreti
15. sigilli Supremi Domini Nostri Regis Extracta de eodem Copiatga et collecta
16. per me Robertum sinclare Notarium publicum ac dicti secreti sigilli scribam
17. deputatum Sub meis signo et subscriptione Manna libris

Royal Copie x 1585 1505
A privy seal letter has been made to George, Earl of Huntly, Lord Gordon and Badenach, etc., any and all of his heirs and assignees, regarding the gift of the ward, nonentry, rents, farms, profits and debts of all and sundry of the lands and barony of Menzies with mills, fishing grounds, woods, tenants, and tenures of the same together with all and sundry of the other lands, baronies, mills, woods, fishing grounds, pairtis, crofts, annual rents and whatever others of the same that lie within his realm which pertain to the deceased James Menzies of that Ilk, the last immediate heritable tenant and vassal to our sovereign lord and his predecessors of the same of all yeiris and terms began that the same has been in our sovereign lord's or his predecessor's hands by reason of nonentry through the decease of the said deceased James or any of his predecessors, the immediate heretable tenants to our sovereign lord and his predecessors of the same. And likewise of all yeiris and terms to come during the time of the ward and nonentry thereof aforesaid and which the lawful entry of the righteous heir or heirs thereto being of lawful age with the relief thereof when it shall happen together with the marriage of Alexander, son and apparent heir to the deceased James, and, if he should die unmarried, the marriage of another heir, either male of female, that should happen to succeed to the said deceased James in his aforesaid lands and heretages with all profits of the said marriage. With power, etc. At Stirling, September 26, the year of God 1585.
This is the true copy of the abbreviated aforesaid letter contained in the Book of the Privy Seal of our Supreme Lord King, taken from the same, copied and collected by me, Robert Sinclair, Public Notary under my seal and signature having been chosen to do so.


Lands and barony of the Menzies


Copy of grant


Middle Scots with notarial comments in Latin at bottom.


Complete charter_recto + verso.pdf


George Earl of Huntly (Recipient), James VI (Donor), and Robert Sinclair (Notary), “Copy of Privy Seal letter conferring gift of Ward and Nonentry,” Scottish Charters, accessed February 23, 2025,
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