Dublin Core
Duncan Campbell, Lord of Lochawe (Donor)
Colin Campbell (Recipient)
Dugald Campbell (Witness)
John Campbell (Witness)
Reginald Malcolm of Craggynche (Witness)
Reginald, son of Malcolm of Craggynche (Witness)
Gregory John Nigello (Witness)
Christian Mcarthur (Witness)
Fillan Mackellar (Witness)
Walter Bet
Charter from Duncan Campbell of Lochawe to Colin Campbell, his son
Document: 32.5 cm x 16.5 cm
Seal: 4.7 cm x 4.7 cm
XS1 MS A001 Doc 15-2
Is Part Of
Campbell of Monzie Papers, University of Guelph
Recto: Latin handwritten on parchment in black ink
Verso: Latin and English handwritten on parchment in brown ink in a couple different later hands
Seal is red and waxen, attached by parchment tag through a slit in the turnup. Heraldry displays a shield with a gyronny of eight on its side under a helmet supporting a boar's head. Two lions support the crest on either side, facing each other. The legend reads: 'S DUNCANI CAMBAL LE DNI DE LUCHOV'.
Glenurchay (Old Variant)
Glenorchy (Modern)
Elanewyr (Old Variant)
Inche Ewir (Modern)
Elanduffeir (Old Variant)
Elankylequhurn (Old Variant)
Kilchurn (Modern)
Elanelochtollyff (Old Variant)
Eilean An Stalcair, Loch Tulla (Modern)
Achykynnay (Old Variant)
Auchachenna (Modern)
Elandorrach (Old Variant)
Inis Darach (Modern)
Kelleag (Old Variant)
Coillaig (Modern)
Fernach (Old Variant)
Fearnoch (Modern)
Cragbamoryam (Old Variant)
Craignamoraig (Modern)
Upper Sonnochan (Old Variant)
Upper Sonachan (Modern)
Da Inurynyn (Old Variant)
Inverinan (Modern)
Altbane river (Old Variant)
Altbrekkynnych river (Old Variant)
Barony of Lochawe (Old Variant)
Sheriffdom of Argyll (Old Variant)
Argyll and Bute (Modern)
Inuerara (Old Variant)
Inveraray (Modern)
Duncan Campbell, Lord of Lochawe (Donor) et al., “Charter from Duncan Campbell of Lochawe to Colin Campbell, his son,” Scottish Charters, accessed March 7, 2025, https://scottishcharters.lib.uoguelph.ca/items/show/3.