Royal charter by James II of Scotland to John Menzies conferring the Barony of Weem

Dublin Core


John Menzies (Recipient)
James II, King of Scotland (Donor)
William Bishop of Glasgow (Witness)
William, Lord Creichton [Chrichton], Chancellor (Witness)
William, Lord Somerville (Witness)
Alexander, Lord Montgomery (Witness)
Patrick, Lord Glammys [Glamis], master of the king's household (Witness)
Andrew, Abbot of Melrose, confessor and treasurer (Witness)
William of Edmonstone of Collodin [Culloden] (Witness)
John Logan of Lestalryk [Restalrig], knight (Witness)
George Campbell of London, knight (Witness)
John Arons, Archdeacon of Glasgow (Witness)
George of Sheriswod, Rector of Cultir [Culter] (Witness)


Royal charter by James II of Scotland to John Menzies conferring the Barony of Weem


Calendar date within charter


10.2 cm x 32.5 cm


XS5 MS A001 Doc No D-1

Is Part Of

Campbell of Monzie, University of Guelph


Recto: Parshment; handwritten (secretary) in black ink
Verso: Later handwriting
Parchment is rectangular with a lengthwise fold (turnup) at the bottom. Large dark stain on the verso that has bled through in spots onto front. Hole in the middle of lines 9-11
Seal is missing but parchment tongue with end encased in linen is attached to the charter through a slit in the turnup
1. Iacobus dei gracia Rex stotorum Omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue cle<ri>cis et laicis salutes Sciatis nos dedisse et concessisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse dilecto nostre Iohanni Menzeis
2. de ennath terras de Weme cum pertinentiis terras de Abbirfallybeg terras de glassy d<e> fernoble <d>e fergill de glengolantyne de kynnaldy de cumre de fernathty de anthilly de morynch de
3. Edromukie de le thanage de Crannyk cum duobus le voras iacentes infra vicecomitatum nostrum de pertha in vnam meram et liberam baroniam cum suis pertinentiis Necnon officium de teschondorouschip
4. de artholony cum pertinentiis Qu<e> quidem terre cum officio predicto cum suis pertinentiis fuerunt dicti Iohannis heredi[s] terre et quas et quod idem Iohannes non vi aut metu ductus nec et errore Capsus
5. sed sua mera et spontanea voluntate in manus nostras apud Edinburghum coram subscriptis testibus per fustem et baculum
personaliter sursum reddidit pureque simpliciter resignauit Ac totum Ius
6. et clamenum que in eisdem terris et officio cum pertinentiis habuit seu habere potuit pro se et heredibus suis omnino qu<>tt cl<am>auit in perpetuum quas terras supradictae cum pertinentiis in
7. vnam meram liberam et integram baroniam de ceteris baroniam de Weme nuncupandam interporamus anne<>timus et Vnimus Tenendas et habendas totas <et> integras supradictas terras cum pertinentiis
8. in vnam meram et liberam baroniam nuncupandam baroniam de Weme ac dictum officium de teschondorouschip de artholony cum pertinentiis dicto Johanni le <> et heredibus suis de nobis here[-]
9. dibus et successoribus nostrum in feodo et hereditate in
perpetuum per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et diuisas prout iacent in longitudine et latitudine in boscis planis moris marresiis
10. v<ii>s s<emi>tas aquis stagneis riuolis pratis pascuis et pasturis molendiis multuriis et eorum seque<lis> <...>
<pi>scationibus petariis turbariis carbonariis lapicidiis lapide et calci
11. fabrilibus bracinis brueriis et genestis <c>um furca et fossa sok et sak thole theim infangandtheif et antefang<andt>heif <>riis et earum exitibus < . . . > et marchetis mulierum
12. Cum tenetibus tenandiis et libere te<entium> seruise cum libera foresta et Warenna Ac cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus commoditatibus et asiamentis ac iustis pertinentiis suis quibuscumque
13. tam non nominatis quam nominatis ad dictas terras et officium
cum pertinentiis spectantibus seu quouismodo iuste spectare vale<ntib>us in futurum Et adeo libere quiete plenarie integre honorifice
14. bene et in pace sicut dictus Iohannus aut sui predicessores prenominatas terras et officium cum pertinentiis de nobis aut predecessoribus nostris ante dictam resignacionem nobis inde factam liberius
15. tenuit seu possedit tenuerunt seu possiderunt faciendo inde annuatim dictus Iohannes menzeis et heredes sui nobis et successoribus nostris tres seccas curie apud pertha in tribus curiis cap<itibus>
16. talibus vicecomitatus nostri de pertha annuatim tenendas tantum In cuius Rei testimonium presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus Testibus Reuerendo in cristo patre Willelmo
17. Episcopo glasguensi Willelmo domino Creichionne nostro Cancellario et consanguinio dilecto dilectis consanguineis nostri Willelmo domino Someruile Alexandro domino montgomery patricio domino
18. glammys magistro hospitii nostri venerabili in christo patre Andrea abbate de melrose nostre confessore et thesaurarie Willelmo de Edmondstonne de Collodin Iohanne logane de lestalryk
19. georgeo Cambell de londonne militibus magistris Johanne arons Archidiacono glasguensi et georgeo de sigoriswod (Sheriswod) Rectore de cultro clerico nostro apud Edinburghum sexto die mensis
20. Iunii Anno domini millesimo quadragentesimo quinquagesimo primo Et Regni nostri Decimoquinto

1. Charter
2. John Menzies of Enuch
3. off the barone off Weme 4. 1348 6th June 1451
5. 1211
James by the grace of God, King of the Scots sends greetings to all good men, laity and clergy, of all his lands. May ye know that we had given and conceded and confirmed with this present letter to our beloved John Menzies of Ennath lands of Weme with pertinents, lands of Aberfeldy, lands of Glassy, Fernoble, Fergill, Glengowlandie, Kynnaldy, Cumrey, Fornachty, Anthilly, Morenish, Edramuckie, of the thanage of Crannyk with two voras situated within our sheriffdom of Perth into one pure and free barony with its pertinents and also its office of toscheochdoraship of Artholony with pertinents. Which lands indeed with the aforesaid office with its pertinents had been of the said John the heir of the land and which that same John, neither led by force, fear nor fallen into error but rather by pure and unaided will, surrendered purely and simply resigned into our hands at Edinburgh in front of the underwritten witnesses by staff and baton. He also surrendered all right and claim which he had or could have had in those lands and the office with pertinents for himself and his heirs <...> We incorporate, announce and unite those aforesaid lands with pertinents into one pure, free and whole barony of the rest of the barony called Weme. We unite all and whole of the aforesaid lands with their pertinents into one pure and free barony called the barony of Weme and the said office of toscheochdoraship of Artholony with its pertinents to the said John and his heirs to be held and possessed from us, our heirs and successors in fee and heritage in perpetuity by their rights, ancient and divided boundaries as they are situated in longitude and latitude in woods, plains, moors, marshes, ways, paths, waters, lakes, rivers, meadows, pastures and pasturages, mills, multures, and sequels of the same <...> fishings, peats, turfs, coal-pits, quarries, stone and lime, smithies, kilns, breweries, and brooms, with pits and gallows, soc and sak, tolls and teams, infangandtheif and outfangandtheif and their issues <...> and womens' merchets with tenants, tenantries and service of free tenants, with free forest and warren and with all and singular other liberties, commodities and easements and just pertinents are whatsoever, both not named and named, belonging to the said lands and office, or which shall in any way happen to belong justly to them in the future, freely, quietly and honourably well and in peace as the said John or his predecessors more freely held or possessed the aforesaid lands and office with the pertinents before the resignation made to us. Thence by rendering annually the said John Menzies and his heirs to me or my witnesses three suits at court at Perth in the three chief courts of our sheriffdom of Perth such to be held annually. In witness thereof we order that our great seal be applied onto this present charter. Witnesses: the Reverent in Christ Father William, Bishop of Glasgow; William, Lord Creichton, Chancellor, beloved kinsman of our kinsman William, Lord Somerville; Alexander, Lord Montgomery; Patrick, Lord Glammys, master of the King's household; the venerable in Christ Andrew, Abbot of Melrose, our confessor and treasurer; William of Edmondstone of Collodin; John Logan of Lestalryk and George Campbell of London, knights, Masters John Arons, Archdeacon of Glasgow and George of Sheriswod, Rector of Cultir and our cleric. At Edinburgh, the sixth day of June, the year of Our Lord 1451 and the fifteenth year of our reign.


Weem (Modern)
Weme (Old Variant)
Aberfeldy (Modern)
Abbirfallybeg (Old Variant)
Glass (Modern)
Glassy (Old Variant)
Fernoble (Old Variant & Modern)
Fergil (Modern)
Fergill (Old Variant)
Glengoulandie (Modern)
Glengolantyne (Old Variant)
Kinaldy (Modern)
Kynnaldy (Old Variant)
Comrie (Modern)
Cumrey (Old Variant)
Fornachty (Old Variant & Modern)
Morinche (Modern)
Morynch (Old Variant)
Edramucky (Modern)
Edromuckie (Old Variant)
Thanage of Crannyk
Artholony (Old Variant & Modern)
County Perth & Kinross (Modern)
Perthshire (Old Variant)




Middle Scots, Gaelic and Anglo-Saxon words and phrases used throughout


XS5MSA001_DocNoD-1_CharterFromJamesIIToJohnMenzies_001-scaled (1).jpg
Complete charter_recto + verso.pdf


John Menzies (Recipient) et al., “Royal charter by James II of Scotland to John Menzies conferring the Barony of Weem,” Scottish Charters, accessed February 22, 2025,
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